
Spotify is by far the largest and most popular streaming site in the country. In just a few months after its local launch in South Africa, it already had 83 million people across the globe that subscribed to the Premium plan. Even though Spotify does not hold the most songs out of the different streaming sites, it still boasts with a pretty impressive 30 million+ tracklist. Spotify offers a free trial account where you can access personalized playlists and stream from the entire catalogue. The Premium version is R59.99 per month and this allows you to access unique features such as background information and lyrics powered by Genius as well as a new personal playlist every single day. It is completely ad-free and you can download the music should you wish to do so. It also has the lowest reported data rate per hour compared to other streaming sites.


Spotify is still undisputedly the best streaming service, and its reign doesn’t look like it’s ending any time soon.